Gig Posters
I got my start in design by meticulously crafting flyers and simple two color screen printed posters while in high school. Posters will always be near and dear to me and I'll never forget that feeling of excitement I'd get after finishing some of my first prints. It felt triumphant and I love the sense of active meditation that would grip me as I became aware of my passion for design. It was through the necessity to promote the DIY shows I started setting up in the late 90's that I made my introduction to the world of show posters.

Elephant Six Orchestra
It's rare that a DIY show in Western Mass sells out but it totally happened here, and just weeks after pre-sale tickets hit the interwebs. Clearly this event was going to be a good time. The Holiday Surprise tour was a celebration of sorts because some of these bands rarely tour and because the Spring thaw was upon us.

Mount Eerie
The unholy combination of Black Metal and Twin Peaks inspired the music that Mount Eerie was playing on this particular tour. The music was heavy, ominous and introspective. I sought out to create the landscape that I pictured in my mind as these powerful tunes delighted my ears. This place lives in a black and white world with t.v. static that fills the sky.

Bikes Fight Cancer
Since 2006 Team Bikes Fight Cancer has helped raise over $138,000 for the Jimmy Fund and put thousands of miles on their bicycles in the process. This poster helped promote and celebrate a PMC fund-raiser and punk show that we put on in Palmer, MA.

Golden Girls
Golden Girls and Truman Peyote—two interesting names to live together on a poster. Inspired by those names and their mixed and matched, f'd up and misappropriated nature, the plan of attack was scanning, cutting and collaging for this print.

Jason Anderson
Free popsicles, summer heat and the month our nation was born. Such a fun show. After two previous versions involving cool summer treats, this is where the poster landed. Don't fight it, feel it y'all!

Monsters, skateboarding and a healthy green glow. These are the things that come to mind when Oneida, Big Digits, Golden Girls, and Dom are put into a room together. The show was awesome and I hear one of these prints is hanging up in the corporate bathrooms of JP Licks, in Jamaica Plain, MA.

Mount Eerie
Who's that creep in the backyard? Or is someone returning home after a weird walk in the woods? I was stoked to make a poster that was a little less exuberant compared to some of my other work. The source of inspiration was the darker, loungey, introspective themes provided by the bands on the bill. Well, that and channeling my inner goth and watching 48 hours worth of film noir flicks. This poster glows in the dork.